Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Hacking, It's Just not Right!

Computer hackers have definitely driven not only technology but people to be on their toes. Just as new technologies are being invented and introduced to the public, and measures are taken to secure technology, there is almost always some genious who will take it upon him/herself to find a way to break in- whether it is with malicious intent or just for the challenge.

The paranoia that people have due to personal experiences is not going away, especially here in the United States. The Los Angeles times reports in an article “U.S. is no. 1 source of hacking, firm says” (March 19, 2007), and that here in the U.S. we have “more than half of the world's "underground-economy servers" — typically corporate computers that have been commandeered to facilitate clandestine transactions involving stolen data.” Incredible! But I believe it. When someone can break into your computer records, take your information and very easly sell it, and then anyone can buy it and use it… well there goes your personal identity!

In reading the various definitions (wikipedia) for a hacker and the different types of hackers (“white hat”, “blue hat” or “black hat”) it makes me believe that no matter how many “white hats” or “blue hats” are out troubleshooting and trying to find gaps or exploits, there are just as many “black hat” hackers trying to work around it. And who knows, what’s to say that the “blue” and “white hats” are not “black hats” in their spare time!

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